Catfox 101
A quick introduction to the catfox species, with details about their tails, ears, and other traits and abilities.
Ultra fluffy
Catfoxes have 3 tails that are mounted on the lower back. Two side tails, and one middle tail. It should be noted that the tails and other fox qualities of the species originate from japanese mythology, and have some capabilities and traits that would not usually be possible with biology alone. The details of this are a mystery.
Catfox tails can be hidden and re-summoned at will. However, it is uncomfortable to keep the tails hidden for longer periods of time, and there are conditions that must be met for the transition to occur. In order to hide the tails, they must be completely dry, not under any force or pressure (for example, cannot be flapping in the wind), not touching any object or surface, and completely still. In order to re-summon the tails, there simply has to be enough clear space for the tails to fully extend. Neither transition can be done while being watched, because I am too lazy to figure out how exactly it occurs, so it's a mystery for now.
The middle tail is stronger and a bit heavier than the other two, and normally does not have much utility. It is softer, more sensitive, and stronger than the side ones but harder to use. The side tails can be used like extra hands, just without fingers, so they can pick up whatever they can wrap the end around. The tail's fluffiness is powered divinely, if you were to hug one it would be the best thing you have ever felt. However, DO NOT touch tails without permission. They are extremely sensitive and they are a catfox's greatest weakness in combat, and in everyday accidents (eg slamming the car door on tail). They work very similarly to Senko's tail from The Helpful Fox Senko San.
High Precision
Catfoxes have both regular human ears and fox ears. The human ears function normally as any person's ears would. The fox ears are used for more precise, longer range, and higher frequency hearing and have one large stripe as well as a lower inner fluff. Both ears are always active, but a catfox can focus their attention to just one. Most catfoxes don't focus much on their fox ears on an everyday basis. The ears do have muscle control and can be moved, instinctively drooping when sad and aiming towards sounds to better hear them and determine direction. Like the tails, the ears are sensitive, but only further down at the inner fluff.
Closing and
Other Info
Catfoxes have incredible night vision. They are also lightweight and agile, and often have mischievous personalities. Whether or not the ears can be hidden is a mystery, but some claim it has been done. It's important to remember that Catfoxes are not regular beings, but have their abilities and traits granted to them divinely, which means that capabilities and traits can vary quite a bit. For more info on individual catfoxes, contact your local catfox expert or even a catfox if you know one.
Catfox expert (and catfox) Delta can be contacted at @FemboyDelta on twitter.